Yesterdays Daily Nation (11/03/2010) headline stroke a different chord bringing out several issues especially on the roads with the ongoing roads constructions. Thus today i take an off and had a rigmarole for several hours in the streets of Nairobi. Nairobi is one great city i must admit.
The attraction of all time is the scenery and our women. The beautification of the city though most was done on the upper part of Nairobi is assuaging the hassles of the city. Why the bureaucrat have to concentrate all their efforts in the Nairobi past Tom Mboya ....i don't know. Maybe, just maybe they do not collect taxes from the 'other' Nairobi. Sitting on a bench under one of these indigenous trees is heavenly. You will relax as Nairobi life swim past you. SO I took a bench along the Moi Avenue..this the middle class avenue. Women in all shapes and heels; some graciously, some labouring walk past by. It is funny that many on the benches are men....our women never rest they are always busy. I guess not many Nairobians will also sit in these benches ..considering it a waste of time..most probably waste of drinking time. SO the women were there to catch my eyes. they wear all the good and bad fashions: wigs, weaves(if thea is a difference or a similarity ask the fashionistas), braids, chemicals, flat irons, cheap or expensive they seem to fit when they fit and to be out of head when they deemed so. one of the sad observation one makes in the streets of Nairobi is that there are very few couples who grace the streets. Maybe we are ready to embrace all sorts of the so called Western ideas, we are not ready to adopt the public display of affection. The only couples walking in the streets of Nairobi are college guys. Athas are mainly mipango ya kando ama ya ofisi.
In my rigmarole i haven't seen anybody complaining of being mugged or being mugged..no one was knocked down by any mobile object..though a bus had scratched a driving school car..I observed how the valuation was done chap chap and the bus guy paying Ksh. 500. whether the bus driver was in the wrong or whether he was just not ready to waste precious time arguing with the driving school trainer was ahead of me. Maybe the negative events which grace our headlines are just isolated cases ..maybe just maybe the newspapers will shift their news coverage ...pumping the positive news to us.
ANyway in Nairobi everything and anybody trends...What a city..Mi love it.