They came in all colours and shapes. The beautiful, the handsome and the skrewfaces were three. The Red, Green and Gold punctuated the affair. The rich the poor, from the nearby ghettos to farover ghettos. All this was happening at the T.I Sawasawa Festival 2010 edition graced by the Don Carlos mwenyewe. The old man did his ting as the yutmen danced along….The curtain raisers were also awesome but as this is Kenya we have an attitude of contempt for what is Kenya. Bafu Chafu did a sterling performance.
The message was peace but not all were ready to get some more teachings. I always wonder why there is such a disconnect between the reggae show organizers and the situation on the ground. Reggae is a militant music, it is music for agitation…It is the music allowing the black people to let off steam….. where they can vent off their anger due to Babylon induced Sufferation… However the situation gets complex when the same Babylon is organizing the reggae shows…They expect reggae fans to ‘behave’ Babylon…..And that’s where they go wrong…reggae music is about the oppressed trying to be heard.. And to a small portion of yutmen there is no better way to b heard than to pickpocket, ngeta and such.. But that is just a small portion and as our media is soo hungry on the negative aspects of the society, usually this gets blown outta proportion. But wat do you expect outta Babylonian minds. They neva see anything good of the yutman. Dem vampires!
The message in the concert like it is in reggae music nowadays is peace..Nah fight yo brother. But like Peter Tosh said “there will be no justice till man gets equal rights and justice”. The music of today instead of telling us to fight for our rights it is telling us to embrace our brothers. If a brethren/sistren steals from u embrace him, if he apes ua dawta mbrace hiom. We gotta fight negative vibes within the society. Gash dem a light dem …
So the message of peace in reggae musik and reggae concert I find it obsolete and influenced by Babylon. We need reggae artists to compose songs telling us to stone politricksters who have stolen from the public instead of clapping for them. When that happens, that will be a positive vibrations concert.
Justice… Am out!
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