Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Why A Revolution will never BE in Kenya

For the young or at least the young with a proper share of ambition and energy— the point of understanding the world better has normally been, as Marx’s famous injunction suggests, to change it. And one of the principal obstacles that usually prevent them from doing so has been their elders, squatting there behind their ramparts, complacent and cynical. This is the real enemy, the “Old Guard,” masters of the institutions that they manipulate to serve their own interests, guardians of the military-industrial complex, rejecting reform because they’ve seen it all before and know it won’t work—in short, the kind of people that the young will themselves in due course become.

Looking into Kenya the youthful reformers, heroes and human right activists of the yester years are the today impediments of justice having become wazees in the system. A case of what in Oswald Mosley’s cruel phrase, a “Salvation Army that took to its heels on the Day of Judgment.”

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