They were poor with land and they are poor without land~Rev. Timothy Njoya on plight of IDPs
As the debate rages on the draft constitution which i have not read. One of the most contentious issue has been quoted to be land. Land in Kenya is a hot issue ...why i can't understand.
Rift valley is the hotbed for all this nunsense. Bloody land wars have been fought here. Why land? The fighers claim some elements in the community went and bought their fathers some busaa and conned them out of their land so the need to give dem a beating. they even quote the Mau Mau spirit'we are fighting for our soil'. Those been chased away usually retort that they bought these large swathes of land while the lazy indigenous people were scratching their balls. Their claim to the land is so deep they are always ready to have their blood shed for the sake of peace.
The land issues do not end there: There is the parable of the Kenya Lands Alliance an association of whites who owns what was left of the White Highlands. This group has its roots to one Lord Delamere ...this bugger saw an empty space of 1 million acres and as the gods commanded him to make it his as no one had claim to it. Just asked for a loan from the Bank of England to buy the fence and fenced the shat....Imagine that..But relax. But before you relax remember that the grandson of Delamere takes the god's command seriously and that is why he does and will shoot trespassers to the damn fenced sh@.
Scenario B we have the likes of Kenyatta, Kibaki Moi et al., these buggers also saw empty land spaces and saw it soothing to the gods to fence it as their godfather Delamere has set precedence. The 'history books' show that these buggers had real money before it started circulating and that is why they were able to buy the large swathes of lands as my grandfather was scratching his balls and sharpening his spear to go to the forest...While my grandfather was busy killing the louse he had collected in his forestic endeavours in fighting for the soil, these buggers were busy 'buying' land..Imagine that ....Again! this group did not even need to fence 'their land' like Delamere. They had/have real African Homeguard balls such all that they needed was urinate around their land and it became untouchable. No 'squatter' would dare set foot on the land..
That brings us to the 'squatters' like my grandfather..where were they when those who had real African balls were buying and grabbing and urinating marking their territories......That's unfair question maybe.....
So here we are Delamere having 300,000 acres while most can't afford a 1/8 of an acre even in Kiandutu. Here we are Kikuyus have large swathe of land in Maasai land, in Kalenjin land...yes they have some bough some urinated over it..some well just pointed....
The question is who has the right to Kenyan land..It is aid most of us did not inhabit this place some 200 yrs ago ... Do we have the right to land?
That brings us to Scenario C : In Eastleigh ..people in their right and left minds have started arguing that the Somalis are taking over Nairobi...where have we been..While those Kenyan with are thinking of either drinking their hard earned wealth or stashing their cash in Swiss accounts the Somalis are busy transforming the Dingy state of Eastleigh into a commercial hub and we start complaining.. DO we own Nairobi ..who are we? Aint this a Maasai people place where their animals used to quench thirst ... And we claim the Somalis are taking our town...
So what can be done...Borrowing from Njoyas quote i feel that one will be poor with or without land.. I got many questions than answers ....
Questions first:
Why didn't the Kalenjins claim that Delamere, Moi, Kenyatta forced them out of their land yet the owns more land than all Kikuyus IDPs combined.
Can we get enough land for every one?
Can we succeed without land?
And this i have an answer to: Yes we can develop and succeed without land we need to start thinking of things such as the cyberspace, ideas, and not land. This is the key. The land has its wenyewe it Indians and Somalis in Nairobi, the whites in the Highlands, the Kenyattas, Kibakis, Mois .....Hakuna kitu utado..
The land issue in the draft constitution is said to be hot coz there is the word minimum. Minimum what? 95% of Kenyans cannot afford a quarter acre in Nairobi!!
There will be no peace coz man will never get equal rights and justice